Thursday, April 9, 2009

Who's the Boss?

Proverbs 16:3 
Commit your work to the LORD,
and your plans will be established.

We all have dreams. And whatever dream that may be, it will always point to our hearts desires. So whether is be money, power, acceptance, or even sex it shows who you are. It doesn't matter who you are on the outside, because your Father in Heaven can see your real desires. 

Enter Jesus

Now you have your new clean heart, and a fresh start. But their are those of us who still hold onto our old desires. I accepted Jesus into my life when I was in second grade. But... what was I struggling with when I was in second grade???
This is the most common problem with Christian Teens who have grown up in the church. We get "saved" at an early age. We struggle through our teen years. And eventually grow up as a spoon fed Christian. And what's worse is that we have kids... and the process starts over!

So where does the problem lie?

  • Its in the heart. God cleans us. And we get dirty again. We should be repulsed by our old flesh. But we continue to dig it up, and our hearts get filthy again and again and again.... 
  • Its the desire to be like the world. THIS WORLD HAS NOTHING FOR US.  But until we can toss away our worldly desires, it will be impossible to follow God with all your heart.
I know this is true because I have been through it. And I know countless others suffer from it as well. This is why Proverbs 16:3 is at the head of this blog... 

God gives us the desires in our hearts
My desire was to start a blog that encouraged teens to go above and beyond what statistics say they are.

So what is your hearts desire?

Does it show your love for God... Or the world?

When you submit yourselves to God entirely you will find that your desires change. And God will place within you a desire to do things that please Him, not yourself, not others.

Proverbs 16:9

The heart of a man plans his way,
but the LORD establishes his steps.

Blake J.

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