Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wake Up People!

Comatose: Skillet
I hate feeling like this 
I’m so tired of trying to fight this 
I’m asleep and all I dream of

Is waking to you 
Tell me that you will listen 
Your touch is what I’m missing 
And the more I hide I realize I’m slowly losing you 

I’ll never wake up without an overdose of you 

I don’t wanna live 
I don’t wanna breathe 
‘les I feel you next to me 
you take the pain I feel 
waking up to you never felt so real 
I don’t wanna sleep 
I don’t wanna dream 
‘cause my dreams don’t comfort me 
The way you make me feel
Waking up to you never felt so real 

I hate living without you 
Dead wrong to ever doubt you 
But my demons lay in waiting 
Tempting me away 
Oh how I adore you 
Oh how I thirst for you 
Oh how I need you 

Bridge: Breathing life

Waking up My eyes 
Open up

of or in a state of deep unconsciousness for a prolonged or indefinite period, esp. as a result of severe injury or illness.

Something I wouldn't wish on anyone, and yet we see it all the time... A sleeping believer, someone who has become silent. And has basically lost all contact with God. We don't want this to happen but it does. For those like me who hate failure it can be especially hard. You sin (big surprise) and find difficulty in repenting. This leads to a long downward slope that can bring about your downfall. Much like King David after his sin with Bathsheba, his life just went down the tubes. And it also affected the life of his children as well.
So not only does sin affect your relationship with God, not only does it affect you as a person. But it affects those around you and your relationships with them.

Why do we continue to lie in this vegetable state... when we know that waking up to a huge and loving God is like the best feeling in the existence of anything? The hardened heart is no match for God's love to penetrate, but we sit and do nothing about it. I am terrible at this.

"Insanity is doing the same thing, expecting different results." (something like that)

I heard that quote from my worship pastor who had heard it from a friend. And it makes a lot of sense. I would wake up everyday, ignoring the fact that I hadn't even prayed yet. Walk to the car, oblivious to the fact that I hadn't prayed for protection. Enter the school, unaware of the presence of darkness. Go throughout my day, without feeling God...
I didn't read my bible (which is something everyone should do(it makes a huge difference in your day/life when you know the word!!!)). I didn't tell others about my problems (put on a mask pretending everything was alright). And I didn't even bother to confront God.

We worry about such little things, and these little things lead to big problems. Today my pastor went through Matthew 6:25-34 (I want you to look it up). These few things mentioned by Jesus can lead us to become entangled in things we shouldn't worry about. The reason I say this is because it goes well with Comatose.
We sin, become hard hearted, and start worrying about little things. This all preoccupies us from seeking God and His Kingdom! This is one of the enemies strongest weapons. And this is why we must stand strong. Because once you get a a chink in the armor, the enemy will start planting these worries in your head. Then... BOOM, comatose.

So don't go down that slippery slope like David. Don't allow any chinks to appear in your armor. And don't worry. 

Do pray and read your word constantly (like more than once a day (esp. praying, even if its conversation its great. God doesn't just want to talk to you so He can answer your problems or accept your praise. Having an intimate relationship is also about just being WITH God)).

TAKS testing this week... Meaning I will be sleeping in. And also meaning no homework. So I will have more time to do some blogging.

Blake J.

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