Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What Needs to Be Done.

What couldn't wait for later.

I really hadn't planned to post today, but this seemed to hit me pretty hard.

James 4:17
Anyone then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.

I had meant to plant this verse in for a blog within the next week, but it just seemed right to put it in now. This verse has become the theme for Fighting Statistics. Because as Christians we know what we are supposed to do, but seldom do it for fear of humiliation, failure etc.

It's hard for me to recall a time where a verse has impacted my day as much as this one has... When you see an opportunity to do something that is not statistically supposed to happen its easy to look the other way. But today as I was wanting to pull away from something God was telling me to do, I heard the words "Knows the good he ought to do... but doesn't.... sins."
And so I found a new inspiration to do what needed to be done.

So this is my point.... We are put into situations everyday that bring us to do something we're not used to doing.  This verse goes really well with the challenge this week.  If you find it hard to witness to someone, just remember this verse. Believe me, just read it a couple of times over and anytime you want to take the easy way out.... it pops into mind.
This proves as a great defense to the evil one, so I cannot stress enough how important it is to have scripture like this memorized.

So get out and put this to practice

Love all of you guys
Fight the Powah!!!!

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