Sunday, April 5, 2009


Hey everyone! 
First of all, thanks so much for taking time to check out my first blog!

Fighting Statistics is the ministry that has been dancing around in my head the past few months.
As a teen I have heard the phrase "statistically speaking..." way too many times.

Statistically speaking- This blog was not supposed to happen.

I read a book called "Do Hard Things ( " that basically changed my life... The book talked about how as teens, we're not really expected to do much. We go to school. We play a sport. We join a club. And occasionally go to church. But we are capable of so much more. The book explains a concept (more of a movement) called the Rebelution. Teens rebelling against low expectations. 

Statistically speaking- I wasn't supposed to put the principles of this book to practice.

Towards the end of the book the brothers mention a "holy ambition". Throughout the book they mention different stories of kids who found a calling and capitalized on it. And throughout the book these kids gave God the glory for everything.
The "holy ambition" is referred to as your God given desire to do something, whether it be start a major charity organization, or create a major website/ book about rebelling against low expectations.

Statistically speaking- Christian teens aren't supposed to really care about this whole "doing things for God's glory" thing.

After reading this I asked myself what my desire was. What did I want to do... I've always felt like I was destined to do more. I always felt there was more to my teen years than going to school and playing mediocre golf.

Statistically speaking- I should have given up by now.

I've had a lot of problems. I've grown up going to church. My relationship with Christ has been an intense roller-coaster ride, way to many ups and downs. The fact is: I was a statistic.
I would always think: "Why couldn't I have been the rebellious kid who was miraculously saved?" Is that not the worst thing you could say? I've beat myself up so many times because I couldn't take the fact that I was a sub-par Christian. I went to church. I tried really hard to read my bible everyday, and I still fell. I still do fall. But now, I get back up stronger every time. Because I have found my calling. I have learned what God has wanted me to do... 
For the last few months my whole thought process was "Don't be another statistic." This evolved into Fighting Statistics. But I still didn't know what I was going to do with it. Actually I still don't have it all together.

Statistically speaking- This blog post is pretty long (sorry readers).

But this past weekend it came to me..... during a Precept conference I heard it...... "Statistically Speaking..." This was the last time I needed to hear this!
And it hit me. I've been trying so hard to not be a statistic, why not try to do something about it?
After weeks of wanting to start a blog, I decided, "Im going to start a blog about Fighting Statistics."

So this is where it starts: Fighting Statistics

My plan is to develop a ministry based around bringing teens and young adults together to connect and have fellowship.

  • The end times are near, maybe they're here. Who knows?
  •  I felt so alone trying to get through my struggles.
  • We don't communicate enough. Millions of Christians feel alone in their struggles because we don't have fellowship. 

Statistically speaking- We don't care about others because we struggle too much with our own problems.

So this is what's been placed on my heart. So far all I have is this blog, I really have no idea where Im supposed to go next. But I place all my trust in God. Like in the movie "Facing the Giants," Im preparing for rain. 

If you'd like to be apart of this or help in anyway, please feel free to respond. 

Love all of ya, like this* much

*imagine me holding my arms out really really big.


  1. I like this i think many people have the same problems and the "Why couldn't I have been the rebellious kid who was miraculously saved?" part i think alot of people feel that way which is why they try to act out. Unfortunately i was the "rebellious kid" but its nothing I'm proud of i was rebellious cause i was raised in bad environments and i thought that's all people expected from me. but like your saying we do need to fight statistics and i think this is a good concept and could actually help a lot of people. We the young can do way more then whats expected and we should. Nice job blake keep it going your a good dude

  2. Blake im so proud of you :) you made me laugh and smile when i read this but also take seriously the war that is wageing before us. so many times we as Christains walk around like we have a blind fold on and dont really know what is going on, or we see and cant figure out what to do about it...well this is doing something about it :)

    <3 Jerica
    I like how you said Christains dont have fellowship with one another because they are to busy worrying about themselves. But thats not what God told us to do. He said you go weep, or pray or laugh or praise TOGETHER. I love that :)

  3. sorry the jerica was suppose to be at the end haha oops :D
