Thursday, April 23, 2009

What Needs to Be Done Pt. 2

I was sitting in my kitchen eating a quick dinner today. The t.v. was on and a commercial for a new show about a man battling cancer and trying to make money came on... 

After watching I thought "Hmm. I wonder what my life would be like if I only had a few months left to live..." I went on to assume that I would get straight lit up for Jesus. Because when you think of the amount of time you have to live it's easy to say you would be on fire... But even though I don't have cancer and I don't have any plans of dying soon I still thought about my life here.

The average lifespan is somewhere in the 70-80's area. If you think about it, that is not a lot of time. So what keeps us from trying to be Jesus to the world. Or even just being nice to people. It's easy to blow off the world on a bad day... But when you count the days you have left would you really want to waste one throwing a pity party? 

Just some food for thought.

Blake J.

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