Sunday, April 19, 2009

Changes To The Plan

Happy Sunday Everybody!

I have had some people ask me when my next blog would be.... When I told them I do one every night they were a bit shocked....

And so I knew what needed to be done. I'd never meant to do a blog everyday, it just kinda happened. But if you'll notice, most blogs are usually once a week at the most. And because I feel not everyone has time to read one every night I've decided.... Im not going to blog on Sundays, Wednesdays and maybe Fridays... Not sure yet on the Friday one.

I've done around 15 blogs now... thats 15 weeks of blogs for some people... maybe even a year for others... SO I will continue to do more than one a week, but I realize schedules get busy and thus not everyone can read every post.

So this is a gift to the readers (mostly myself, it gets really stressful trying to write a new post everyday). 

And thus I ask you all enjoy your Sunday and Wednesday nights. Go to church, do homework, hang with family etc..

Love all of you (a lot!(but not too much)),

Blake J.

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