Friday, April 17, 2009

Party Masks!

Seeing as how it is Friday night, I know not too many people will be able to read this post right away. But for those of you who do read, or who will be able to read it later I have a simple post tonight...

Are you yourself in church, or outside of church? Basically meaning, where do you put on a cover? Do you walk into church on Sunday, acting as if what happened Saturday never happened at all? Or do you walk into school Monday, acting like what didn't happen Saturday night, actually happened?

While not everyone has this problem, it is apparent that a lot of Christian teens have trouble deciding which side of the line they're on.
And that is what Fighting Statistics is all about. Most of us are not expected to really go to church and care. Most of us are not expected to bring Jesus to school. 

What are we expected to do? Just live like any other teenager? Don't they already have statistics of their own? We should never be lumped into the same category. Im not saying we shouldn't hang out with non-followers but acting like one is a whole' nother story. 
Now Im 100% sure there will be some changes in your life when you decide to totally commit to living for Jesus.
These changes include but are not limited to:

  1. Higher self worth
  2. Loss of friends (at least the ones that don't stand where you stand)
  3. Ridicule 
  4. Respect (after the ridicule wears off)
  5. New better friends that support you and love you
  6. More Respect
  7. Happiness
Now the important thing to say about number 2 and 3 is this: If the people you hang out with on weekends don't like the new you, its okay. They won't understand. If these people are the same people you go to church with, then you have bigger problems. But it happens, sometimes it takes one courageous person to say, "Hey why can't we always act like we're at church."
The ridicule/respect deal is different though: A lot of the people who might ridicule you are those closest to you. But if you continue to show a strong faith in Christ and refrain from doing bad things, people will gain new respect for you. Everyone respects someone who stands strong in their faith.

So thats it for tonight, short(ish) and simple.... So make sure that no matter where you go this weekend you leave your mask at home, and be yourself.

2 Timothy 2:15

15Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

So enjoy the rest of your weekend, and try to stay dry.

Blake J.

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