Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Do Hard Things"

The book that inspired me to make a change in my life. I grew tired of being the norm, a statistic. And this book by brothers Alex and Brett Harris was the extra push I needed.
The main focus of the book and the brother's cause is this: Rebel Against Low Expectations. Thats why I highly recommend this book. It got me off my couch, and my sideline relationship with Christ, and got me into blogging and trying to be more of a leader.

One of my favorite parts of the book is when the brothers explain expectations. They show how teenagers are not expected to do anything; and if we are, we usually reach bare minimum and stop there.

"It's almost gotten to the point that people expect less of teenagers than they do of toddlers. Think about it. Why do babies with inferior motor skills, reasoning abilities, and physical strength, experience nearly 100 percent success in overcoming difficult challenges, while teens falter? Well, one is expected, and the other is not.     
Why does every healthy baby learn to walk while very few teenagers have learned to dance? One is expected, and the other is not.
Why does every healthy baby overcome communication barriers by learning to talk while few teenagers overcome barriers between themselves and their parents by learning to communicate? One is expected, and the other is not.
The truth is that all of us are susceptible to low expectations. Once we have satisfied the minimum requirements, we tend to stop pushing ourselves."

I laughed pretty hard when I read this (I try to humor myself whenever I feel I've been criticize (because this statement hit me pretty hard)). 

What Im trying to get at is this: We have all been called to be SO much more! What is a dream you have? Something that you've wanted to do for a long time but felt discouraged? The Harris brothers refer to something called your "holy ambition," a God given desire to do something great that will bring glory to his kingdom and help others. 
Good examples are things like: starting non-profit organizations or ministries, or becoming a missionary. Maybe you want to write music, and become a singer or worship leader. What's stopping you? Maybe you want to write a book, or even become president. What's stopping you from that, anyone can these days (referring to the book)?

But make sure that in whatever you do, all glory goes to God. The one who gave you the desires and the talent to see them brought to life.  We have a new life in Christ. But a lot of us still continue to do the same things. Maybe not as far as sinning, but if you spend everyday in the same routine: go to school, homework, hangout with friends, t.v., X-box, shopping etc... it becomes really hard to advance in your relationship with Christ and others. Remember the verse James 4:17, if you know the good you can do and don't do it.... your sinning.

So put on the New Self

Colossians 3:1-4

 1 If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. 3For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.4When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

Tomorrows Friday! Continue to stand firm in your faith this week, go to church Sunday, and try to figure out whether you're on the field or on the bench.

For more information on "Do Hard Things" go to it should take you to their Rebelution website

Blake J.

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