Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Clock's Tickin-

It's been a while since my last post, and I actually changed what I was writing halfway through this one. So expect a new one within the next week!

Every year this world is getting worse, every year we are closer to the end of times. How often do you hear people say things like, "These are just birthing pangs," or "Yep, Jesus will be coming for me pretty soon?" If you live in Christian home, or spend time in church you'll probably hear something like that pretty often.

Think about it. We've seen a lot of bad this past decade, and it only seems to get worse. So it's not surprising that we might jump the gun assuming judgment day will be coming today, or tomorrow, or even next Thursday during your test. But the Bible says we won't know the time, the day, the week, the month, the year, or even the generation of which Jesus will return. I mean just look over the past century. We've had two world wars, a depression, and God knows how many changes in leadership in this country-And that's just THIS COUNTRY! If you throw in the rest of the worlds problems you will start to question why we do still inhabit the earth.

So there has been quite a lot of trouble in the world, and we still haven't seen the end of days. Meaning that it is possible for the world to continue getting worse.

Now this could be taken from a couple of different perspectives- 1) We have a good bit of time to try and better mankind by spreading Christ's message. 2) We have plenty of time to destroy ourselves knowing that eventually we will turn to Christ before Judgment Day. 3) We don't have a lot of time, and we need to go mission crazy trying to reach every soul possible. And finally 4) There aint much time left so let's go down in style, let's party till we die!

or even the ever popular viewpoint 5) eh, who cares? (seriously).

So which viewpoint are you? Do you try to teach the world about the Way, the Truth, and the Life? Or do you try to make the most of life for yourself.

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