Sunday, August 2, 2009


So I've been totally inspired to write today.

It's not that I don't want to write sometimes, its just that most of the time I have too many ideas to choose from and end up not writing at all.

But today is different because I had help on deciding.

In church today my pastor was going over Ephesians 5:18 (do not be drunk, be filled with the spirit verse).

And throughout the sermon he talked about being.. well filled with the spirit. But not in a way we would imagine. The way he interpreted it was that we are not to be drunk with wine (duh) but we do need to be so hopped up on God and His presence in us that people think we're drunk.

And eventually he got to this point in the sermon:

"The normal Christian life is not us living for Christ, but Christ living through us."

That statement blew my mind. It was one of those DUH moments where you think you know it all but then suddenly you find yourself wrong. AND the answer was right under your nose the whole time.

And so my mind just started pumping out ideas, and theories about what it was that made this click so much. But I knew. The spirit was working through me to help me understand such a simple concept (that we find so difficult to grasp unfortunately).

I understood:

We go our whole Christian life trying to live for Jesus. And every time things are bad we go and recommit saying we're going to live for Jesus again. And every time things are bad we go and recommit saying we're going to live for Jesus again (this goes on for a while).

But thats the problem, we think that we live FOR Christ. But we can't! We are trying so hard to be like Jesus by living for Him, and we fail. We can't live like Christ, only He can do that. And only by Him living through us can we accomplish this!
Does that not blow your mind?!

And if this wasn't enough, my pastor then went on to talk about control in our lives for a bit. What I found was funny was how he pointed out God's view on our lives.

"God Im giving you control"
God-"Uh I've had control this whole time, but thanks anyways."

This also made me think, how Little do we MAKE God to ourselves? Think about it. He created everything. He wrote out your life before it began. He is everywhere at once. He is as big or as small as you need Him to be. If you ask YOU SHALL RECEIVE. Santa can't even do that but once a year, and even then he's not that reliable (Im still waiting on a few things to arrive).

The fact is most Christians do not give God the amount of credit he deserves (basically all of it).

So for just a few minutes, whether it be during a quite time or just sitting around, try to imagine God as big as you possibly can. Then increase His size. You'll still come up short. Trying to comprehend God's size and presence can almost certainly make you bow in awe of Him. Just take 5 minutes and try to understand this perfect being whom created you and I and everyone else, and took the time to write out our lives, and still took the time to be with us EVERYWHERE and ALWAYS by living through us!

It's too much to handle in our finite minds. And the more we realize things like this the more easily we can accept the fact that God is in control and that we don't live for Christ, but He lives through us to make us everything we were created to be.

So enjoy your week,

Blake J.

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