Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Who's It Really All About?

Ever wonder where God was before you came along? I mean besides what is read in the bible or what you've read in history books about these things called "revivals" what has God been doing?

I was kinda thinking about this; after all we've been through the past hundred or so years it's easy to question if God was really keeping His hand over America (or other countries for that matter), or was He just allowing the country to go with the flow while preparing our lives so that a new nation could be birthed?
This may seem like an absurd statement, but think about it. Most of the time we're experiencing God in our lives, or questioning God's presence in our lives, or even wondering where God is in our lives. But what about everyone else?

Are we really that special?

Sure the world seems to be getting worse, but look at all the good that has come in the recent years:

  • More people are getting to hear the gospel each day thanks to mission opportunities that are provided to anyone who has gotten the calling (of course, what could stop someone from going on a mission once God has called them?).
  • Although Christianity isn't the fastest growing, or most desired religion, you cant help but notice all the youth that are being led out each day to proclaim the gospel.
  • Regardless of: the wars, the racism, the highs, the depression, the hate, the failures, the breaks, the holocaust, the pessimism, you can't help but notice: The love, the life, the hope, the acceptance, the rebuilding, the revival, the defining moments, the change, the liberation, the retaliation, the forgiveness, the blood, or the Promise.
So let me ask you this; Who is it all about? Is it cliche' to say, "It's not all about you?" If so I wont say it, I hate being cliche' unless for comical purposes. In all reality I believe no one really believes that everything revolves around them... maybe a good bit of everything, but not Everything.

"He must become greater; I must become less." John 3:30

That should be our thought for today, (if not everyday... actually yeah, make that your thought everyday).

Now, I am not saying we're all losers. We are children of the living God! The same God that gives us strength to take on the harsh reality that is everyday life. The same God that gives us the ability to take on the wolf that comes to blow down our house everyday (steal, kill, and destroy). The same God who gives us the words to say that bring life to others who have yet to hear God's voice in their lives. The same God whose sovereignty we question when things get tough. There are millions out there who have yet to hear the word, we may not be old, but we are definitely not too young!

We will get through it. I mean it's just college, and from what I've seen in the hearts of others out here, I know that God is in control and has a grand plan for everyone in all walks of life.

"Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise."
James 5:13

Blake J.

Today's text was received from the NIV Bible.

(by the way: I love my new best friend Courtney <(") )

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Clock's Tickin-

It's been a while since my last post, and I actually changed what I was writing halfway through this one. So expect a new one within the next week!

Every year this world is getting worse, every year we are closer to the end of times. How often do you hear people say things like, "These are just birthing pangs," or "Yep, Jesus will be coming for me pretty soon?" If you live in Christian home, or spend time in church you'll probably hear something like that pretty often.

Think about it. We've seen a lot of bad this past decade, and it only seems to get worse. So it's not surprising that we might jump the gun assuming judgment day will be coming today, or tomorrow, or even next Thursday during your test. But the Bible says we won't know the time, the day, the week, the month, the year, or even the generation of which Jesus will return. I mean just look over the past century. We've had two world wars, a depression, and God knows how many changes in leadership in this country-And that's just THIS COUNTRY! If you throw in the rest of the worlds problems you will start to question why we do still inhabit the earth.

So there has been quite a lot of trouble in the world, and we still haven't seen the end of days. Meaning that it is possible for the world to continue getting worse.

Now this could be taken from a couple of different perspectives- 1) We have a good bit of time to try and better mankind by spreading Christ's message. 2) We have plenty of time to destroy ourselves knowing that eventually we will turn to Christ before Judgment Day. 3) We don't have a lot of time, and we need to go mission crazy trying to reach every soul possible. And finally 4) There aint much time left so let's go down in style, let's party till we die!

or even the ever popular viewpoint 5) eh, who cares? (seriously).

So which viewpoint are you? Do you try to teach the world about the Way, the Truth, and the Life? Or do you try to make the most of life for yourself.