Monday, June 1, 2009

The End is Nigh

Okay... So it has been quite a while since I've had a legitimate post. Im sorry. But A LOT has been happening to me lately (poor excuse I know). Over the past month I have had a few ups and downs, preventing me from being able to write a sincere post. I have had a lot of great ideas on what to write, they just haven't met the screen yet. But now everything is great. I've taken all one exams that I needed (dang you pre cal!) and I graduate in a few days, no big deal...

BIG DEAL- It has been a really long ride these past four years and I have yet to feel sad for leaving... until yesterday. 
Yesterday was the graduation recognition (or some other name) service at our church. I remember watching my sister go through it two years ago, and now it was my turn. I didn't think I would be so emotional. But it was tough holding back tears after receiving such kind words from my pastor and then being given a gift (Beyond Opinion by Ravi Zacharias) and being prayed for by the entire congregation. It was a big God moment for me. Realizing that I was so close to leaving home and all those I'd built relationships with the past few years.
It was just the jump I needed to get me off my arse (pardon le'french (haha sonic commercial humor)). Not to mention the great sermon on the Armor of God, which can be found on itunes podcast under "the sanctuary fellowship." 

And then today, the stiffest day of my life. I was like the walking dead, moving slowly, not talking to much.... stressed. I had one exam for this entire semester (PRE CAL!!!) and had hardly studied at all. But as I sat at my desk last night I thought back to the Old Testament prophets and how many times they opposed those who opposed God. Every time it seems they not only defeat the false prophets/gods but they did it with style (i.e. dousing an alter with water and calling fire down from heaven).
And so I went into my pre cal exam without studying much. And I passed. Praise the Lord I passed! 
Then.. As if my day hadn't just improved by one-thousand percent, I receive four graduation cards... with enough money (adding to all my other grad gifts) to pay for my new laptop (new aluminum macbook :D). Seriously, God has been good to me these past few weeks. Actually, this whole year has been great.

I felt as if I had just been in a huge funk... then I got out of it... and then back in.... and then out. But now its all good. Because I know that the God of the universe is holding me in His hands and will never let me go!

So what Im getting at is this: If you're on your last straw, keep pushing. If you feel as if you're all alone, you're not. School is almost done.. forever! We need to go out with a bang, and make sure we are rock solid before we leave for college.

Im going to be here to stay (so long as God allows) and I plan to write a lot more in the coming months, and years because

"I was pushed back and about to fall, but the Lord helped me. 14) The Lord is my strength and my song: he has my salvation." 
Psalms 118:13-14

Blake Johnson

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